The Tiny Miracles foundation, founded in 2011, has an important mission: to help find a scalable solution to end poverty and inspire others to do the same. With their holistic approach they improve the wellbeing of people and create better lives for generations to come. The goal is to enable 1 million people to get and stay out of poverty. For that to succeed, we need to create a more equal world on all levels.
Giving more than money
One of the things that makes Tiny Miracles so unique is that it involves not just corporate sponsors donating money, but also a holistic approach to giving those less fortunate the tools they need to break out of the poverty cycle. They do this by focusing on five pillars: Healthcare, Education, Skills Training, Awareness, and Celebration. As their website rightfully points out, “Making miracles happen can only be achieved if you transform all areas of life simultaneously. You can build a health clinic, but as long as people have no access to safe drinking water you won’t be able to make any progress. You can put children to school but if they don’t have any food, what good will that do? Tackling the fundamentals first and building awareness and knowledge from a solid basis has proven to create a profound and lasting impact.”

Inspiration by numbers
Profound and lasting is right. Programmes began in an area populated by 700 people who lived in an extremely dangerous red-light district. To this date, 8 communities and more than 3,000 community members are actively engaged. Tiny Miracles is responsible for starting a clean water programme, a public health clinic, and raising women’s and men’s wages from less than 1 euro a day to the average middle-class salary. Children now attend English schools, more and more adolescents are attending university and the healthcare centre has dropped mortality rates substantially.
Lighting the fire within
All of these things—among many other initiatives—are responsible for empowering these communities. As Meuter puts it, “What we do is provide opportunities, which changes people’s way of thinking—we increase their self-confidence so that they really believe in creating their own destinies. We are all about lighting the fire within in them!”

What we do is provide opportunities, which changes people’s way of thinking—we increase their self-confidence so that they really believe in creating their own destinies. We are all about lighting the fire within in them!
Small acts of love can create tiny miracles, and Rituals passionately supports that mission. As a founding partner Rituals financially supports the Tiny Miracles foundation and by this means helps to transform the lives of many people in Mumbai.
To learn more about this wonderful organization, visit the Tiny Miracles website.

Goodie bag – a bag for good
Rituals is a proud supporter of Tiny Miracles since 2011. CEO Raymond Cloosterman believes passionately in their mission to get 1 million people out of their poverty cycle by 2030. The goodie bag is a co-developed product and with the order of almost 700K pieces, it creates a lot of work. Creating this bag allows these communities to take their futures into their own hands and has already transformed lives. Watch this video to discover how.
To learn more about this wonderful organisation, visit the Tiny Miracles website. Together we can create a more equal world.